Weightlifting Day Course Coming to you!

I believe I have one of the best coaches in the world, he has had many different experiences throughout his life and has brushed off on me. A year ago, I was still on route to finish my national service and going back to school for uni. But here I stand today corrected, I’m currently progressing into being a coach myself, I think the best trait that I have taken from him would be that I am able to spot mistakes quickly and being able to correct them or relay them in a simple matter. 

The point, we’re wanting to spread the knowledge of weightlifting out there, may it be local or overseas. We’re looking into pushing out to other countries out there, gather a few people, we’ll fly down and correct your technique, this is probably my ultimate goal as an athlete/coach, to be able to spread my knowledge to everyone. Not only the athletes or the competitors, but also just the everyday commoners who add oly lifts to their basic workouts. Technique is what is needed when completing oly lifts and not only that you must remember it reduces injuries. 

“You must be able to answer all questions thrown at you, that’s how you know you’re flawless in technique” -Coach Wu

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